How to complete the 'How the other half lives' assignment

This assignment has two parts.  

The first part is a 2-3 page paper about your experience.  

Double spaced, 1 inch margins, centered heading with title and name.  You can title it however you like.  There should be a space between your name and the rest of the writing on the page.  It should look like this:

How the other half lives: hot yoga
Jessica Weinkle

Paragraph 1. Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1.Paragraph 1......

Use block paragraphs with a space between paragraphs or indented paragraphs with no space between paragraphs.  Don't use indented block paragraphs with a space between paragraphs.  I don't know why it is improper but it just is and it looks goofy.  

You should use MLA formatting if you cite something, but that is only if there is something you'd like to cite. 

Use an appropriate font.  Standard fonts are Times New Roman or Arial.  I do not like Calibri which is the default in Word.  However, you won't be marked off for using Calibri if you like it.  You will however be marked off for using inappropriate fonts like Curly or Papyrus.  Unless you are actually using a typewriter do not use Typewriter font.  If in doubt, use the standards.  Font should be 11 or 12 point.  

Please note: I see a lot of papers and when I'm grading slight adjustments in margins and font size really stand out. 

  • Paragraph 1: Introduction  
  • Paragraph 2: Why did you choose this activity?  What kept you from doing this activity before? 
  • Paragraph 3-4: How do you relate the experience to your own values?  Are you able to relate the culture around the activity and/or aspects of the activity to your values and things you enjoy?  That is, in what ways can you relate to those that do this activity often?  In what ways are you so very different?
  • Final Paragraph: Conclusion

The second part is a 5 minute presentation about your experience 

You are not required to use a presentation aid, but you can if you want.  You may use PowerPoint or Prezi but neither should have more than 3 slides.  Use your paper to outline your talk.  Five minutes will go by very quickly.  You will want to hit home on just a few points.

Practice at least once at home either by giving a five minute talk to an empty room or to a friend. 


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