How the other half lives...
As mentioned on the syllabus, you all will take part in an exercise that I'm calling, "How the other half lives." The assignment as it appears in the syllabus is above. Here, I'd like you to tell me (and your classmates) what sort of activity you are planning to partake in.
The activity is intended to foster creativity and understanding of our diverse society. It is not intended to make you uncomfortable or unsafe.
For example, never danced the Tango- try meeting up with the ballroom dance club!
So, your prompt here is: What activity are you planning to partake for the "How the other half lives" assignment?
Respond in the comment section. Please use complete sentences. Three sentences max. You may choose to use a pseudonym but you have to let me know what it is and you have to stick with that pseudonym for the remained of the semester.
DUE: By class time 11am on Thursday, September 21st.
Brycen Braswell
ReplyDeleteThis semester, I plan on trying surfing. I have never been exposed to surfing but it seems like it would be something I would be interesting. I expect it to allow my soul to become one with the ocean waters I care so deeply about.
Brycen Braswell
For this assignment, I will be going to the shooting range with my friend who has been shooting for a couple of years. Ive always been into shooting but only with airsoft guns, so now I'm going to try the real thing in a controlled environment with experienced shooters to help guide me.
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment I plan on trying Yoga. In my other class, our teacher has talked about meditation and how it can help lead to better concentration. He also said that yoga can help you be more mindful and help you live more in the present. For these reasons, I think doing Yoga could have a positive impact in my life, and I am looking forward to trying it.
ReplyDeleteThis semester i will try out biking. I used to bike a little bit when i was younger but i haven't been on a bike in years. I'm planning on going biking on some of the trails around campus and the surrounding area with a friend who is a pretty experienced biker.
ReplyDeleteThis semester I plan on attending Hot Yoga classes. This has been something I have wanted to do for a while now but just never got around to it. After talking to some friends who attend these classes I have seen the benefits and enjoyment they get out of it. Not only is it good for the body but your overall mind as well. I think yoga is very interesting and I cant wait to try it out!
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment I am going to try being a vegetarian for a while, we have been talking about ecological footprints in my Environmental Science classes and the impact of having a plant based diet on the environment is huge. I have a few close friends who are vegan so i'll look to them for some tips and meal ideas, but I don't think i'll fully commit to being vegan. I love to fish and eat what I catch so maybe it will be more of a "mostly" plant based diet, we'll see!
ReplyDeleteWhen scrolling through groupon I frequently see painting with a twist classes(I believe the twist is wine). I've never been a good artist, but maybe the wine will bring out talent I never knew I had, so I'm going to give it a try. Maybe I'll end up with some real art for my wall.
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment, I will be going out of my comfort zone by trying different types of foods, such as Indian and Lebanese, around Wilmington. I have always been scared of trying food from other cultures, but hopefully with this assignment I can gain a more open, worldly perspective and an overall understanding of dishes that make each culture so unique!
ReplyDeleteIt is about time I picked up an instrument. I love all types of music and have dabbled with the idea for quite some time, but never had the motivation to try and learn. I'm thinking I'll start with guitar, maybe ukulele, and I know Wilmington has plenty of resources (clubs, musicians, inspiration) to help me begin my journey.
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment I will be attempting to do yoga. I am not a very active person, so instead of diving head first into CrossFit for example, I would like to ease my way into exercise. I have never been a very flexible person either, stretching has always been an issue for me since I tend to give up once it hurts, so I'm hoping that I will continue with yoga even after this assignment.
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment I am going to try surfing. I love the ocean and swimming but I have always been to scared to try surfing. Feel like there is a tight community of surfers and always been insecure about getting out there and being judged or getting in their way, also I know I have terrible balance and coordination so I'm pretty sure I will just fall continuously, or be only person out there and let fear of a shark biting my uncoordinated leg off. Here goes nothing!
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment I would like to try playing video games. I have never had any interest in this activity and prefer spending my time outside. The few times I have played video games, or games on my phone, I lost interest fairly quickly. I have some friends who love to play video games so I will ask them to let me participate when they play.
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment I plan to try out Contra Dancing. I have a few friends who are very familiar with this style of dance and they also give lessons at a local church in Wilmington. I plan to go to a few lessons and then hopefully be able to dance with my friends rather than stand and watch!
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment I have decided to try meditation. My roommate meditates a lot and recommended it to me for stress relief. I have always wanted to try it out but did not know how to get started because i had never done anything like it before. She told me to download an app that she uses called insight timer to help me keep track of my meditations. Hopefully this will help me become more in tune with myself and help relax me.
ReplyDelete"For this assignment I am going to try longboarding. This is and activity that I've been wanting to try for some time now, and it can be a really efficient way of getting around campus instead of just walking. I will only get around campus by longboard for a week and I will track my progess from the begginning to the end."
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment, I plan on adopting a vegetarian diet until the end of the semester. I've always tried my best to eat clean meals, but taking the meat out of the equation could be a little different and interesting. I feel like this will be both a challenge but a rewarding experience. You're body responds differently to everything that you eat and maybe through this diet, by the end of the semester, I will feel healthier and better all around.